The America Red Cross and The Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation

The American Red Cross is one of the top three nonprofit charities to date and they are extremely successful because of the generous donations they receive.

In 2018, The Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation donated $300,000 to the ARC’s cause. Irving Moskowitz and Cherna Moskowitz have been long time supporters of this organization and donations such as these provide the much-needed support for those whose lives have been devastated by disasters such as the California wild fires and the hurricanes that struck Florida last year. Irving Moskowitz, was a physician who dedicated much of his free time to ensure others had a means of improving their lives. Alongside his wife Cherna Moskowitz, they have made a huge impact on others through their ongoing donations to non-profit organizations such as the ARC. Cherna Moskowitz is dedicated to continuing the work of The Moskowitz Foundation established over 50 years ago by her husband Irving Moskowitz. Without the donations and support from others, many people’s lives that have been struck by tragedy may have been irreparable. It’s often in times of tragedy we can only see the best in others, when people rally together and work as one to assist those in need. It’s often in those times when we become the best support to strangers. Donors like Irving Moskowitz and Cherna Moskowitz don’t wait for tragedy, they give openly and do so generously knowing that touching even one person’s life can give them the much-needed hope, possibly on one of their darkest days, to let them know that there are brighter days ahead.

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Cherna Moskowitz of The Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation donated to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

Recently, Cherna Moskowitz of The Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation donated $50,000 to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Donations like hers assist PanCAN and their vision to double the survival by 2020. It is a tall order, but it’s also attainable through fundraising, community and charity. In order to change statistics on Pancreatic cancer for all of those who have and will be diagnosed in the future, it will take many people like Cherna Moskowitz coming together to fight for this cause.

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Sports Complex Grand Opening

HAWAIIAN GARDENS, California, August 5 The City of Hawaiian Gardens, ABC Unified School District, the Irving Moskowitz Foundation and the State of California hosted the grand opening of the ambitious and state-of-the-art Hawaiian Gardens Fedde Sports Complex on Saturday, March 10th 2012 at noon.

And among the participants were dignitaries at the state, local  and regional level, plus sports champions from multiple professional sports. The public is invited to join the festivities at 21409 Elaine Avenue, Hawaiian Gardens, CA.

The images of grand opening can be viewed below:

Irving Moskowitz Stadium


Sport Center Grand Opening


Irving Moskowitz


Irving Moskowitz

You can view more images of this grand opening as well as other images of Irving Mskowitz Foundation here.

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Moskowitz Foundation